ICCI hosts the Indian-Belarusian Investment and Business Summit 2022

Image source: India TV Indian-Belarusian Investment and Trade Summit 2022

ICCI (Inventivepreneur Chamber of Commerce and Industry) hosted the Indian-Belarusian Investment and Business Summit 2022 on 9th November in New Delhi.

The program of the event included expansion of economic potential along with creation of business opportunities and employment opportunities between India and Belarus.

The event was attended by many important political figures and corporate executives from both Belarus and India. ICCI aims to help business communities around the world.

Integrating firms aim to expand their global investment, merger, trade and business prospects. The smallest of details are meticulously scrutinized to convert the programs into real achievements.

Ministers of Finance and Industry of Belarus and India participated in the conference.

Businesses, investment agencies, investors, government agencies, bankers, financial institutions, global business leaders, academicians, social entrepreneurs, and diverse business communities from Belarus and India participated in the Indian-Belarusian Investment and Business Summit 2022 organized by ICCI.

Presentations were made by business executives to provide a roadmap for doing business in India and Belarus and would benefit both the countries.

During the panel discussion, business leaders discussed business expansion in Indian and international markets, government guidance, connectivity, permissions and support, businesses exploring strategic mergers and JVs, businesses identifying local partners, OEM partnerships and technology exchange. Share your perspective. and participation in PPP model projects, and how working together will benefit the economic development of India and Belarus.

The Indo-Belarusian Investment and Trade Conference 2022 was a major event developed and supported by the governments of India and Belarus.

The initiative aims to strengthen economic ties between Indian and Belarusian companies. Several government organizations were present to showcase country-specific products to attract new investments and provide incentives to enterprises.

The event also saw the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with various business organizations as well as the announcement of several business exchanges. The conclave aims to generate INR 20 billion in revenue for the Indian economy through its association with Belarus.

Speaking on the occasion, Rishabh Malhotra, Vice Chairman, Inventivepreneur Chamber of Commerce and Industries said, “We are really happy to bring Belarus to India and have organized this summit to enhance business and employment opportunities in both the countries , and we hope to bring more countries to India to create more jobs and business in India.”

LIST OF BELARUSIAN DELEGATION TO INDIA TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INDIAN-BELARUSIAN INVESTMENT AND BUSINESS FORUM 2022, RUE “National Center for Marketing and Value Studies”, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Industry State Institution of the Republic of Belarus “The Hi-Tech Park Administration”, BKM Holding, Minsk Automobile Plant, Belarusian National Reinsurance Organization, LLC “Bremino Group”, International Trade Development Agency, State Institution “National Investment and Privatization Agency” , State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, State Institute “Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus”, RUE “Belsudexpertobespechenie”, State Educational Institution “Institution of further training and retraining of personnel State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

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