“Identify the animal here”: Man drags leopard by tail in shocking video

The leopard is dead, a text on the video said.

A shocking video of a man pulling a leopard by its tail has surfaced online. In the 20-second clip shared on Twitter by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan, a man is seen holding the leopard by its tail and one of its hind legs. The animal tries to free itself from its clutches, but fails as spectators are seen filming the act from afar. The leopard is dead, a text on the video said.

The location where the video was shot could not be traced, according to Mr Kaswan, who condemned the act and insisted that wild animals should not be treated like this. “This is not the way to handle or treat wildlife friends. They are also living beings. Be careful,” he wrote.

Since being posted, the clip has garnered over 73,000 views. Many were shocked to see the leopard being treated like this by the man and expressed their dismay.

“The animals have started wearing t-shirts,” wrote one person, referring to the man holding the leopard’s tail in the video.

One user suspected that the leopard may have been injured. “And, I’m pretty sure, the leopard could be old or injured or else the situation would have been completely different,” he wrote.

Some people appealed that animals should not be treated like this.

Many were of the opinion that the men in the video should be punished.

Expressing concern for the leopard, a user wrote, ‘Please tell that the poor condition is fine.

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