If safety has been fixed in any way, then…

Staff’s ‘AAP’ Bar Offers Challenging Tasks to the States Rule in Punjab

Punjab Vidhan Sabha Elections 2022: Constituencies are increasing in elections in Punjab and other regions. The People’s Party (AAP), which is contesting elections in Punjab, is also ready to be with this time. In this program ‘AAP’ Chief indirad (Arvin Kejriwal) is currently on the page of Punjab. ️ State

this also further

‘Just like Delhi’s schools are fine…’: Delhi CM corrects

Chief and foreboding of Punjab Navjot Singh Sidhu Regarding this, he said that Sidhu sahib is raising the issues of the people but the entire Congress is suppressing him. The death of the harem father. It is also said, ‘Chani is not like this to sit. Electricity zero. VAT on Charanjit Singh Channi (Charanjit Singh Channi) of Punjab VAT on Jit Singh Channi said, ‘One’s engine is running in Punjab. Electricity bill is free in Delhi. ,

‘Kitab Bomb’ in Mumbai: Along with the type of activism in Mumbai, the government should be seen

For the party, the ‘States’ said, ‘Naxali would have said’. Taj wore for today. If you want it to be operational in Punjab then it will be activated once again.

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