If your hair is falling too much then start eating these 5 superfoods to avoid baldness

If you want to make your hair healthy, then take part in the morning breakfast or you can eat omelet from it.

special things

  • Make eggs included in your breakfast hair will get protein.
  • Strong spinach whole greens for iron deficiency.
  • At the same time, start feeding the account as well.

hair care tips : Nowadays everyone big, children and young are troubled by hair fall. If you get more than 100 nickel hair in every comb, it means that your hair is not getting good nutrition. Or else there are different types of changes in the body. The reason could also be that you have taken too much stress. There can be many reasons behind hair fall, some of which we have mentioned. If you want the health of the children to remain good and not survive at a young age, then make some changes in your diet (hair care diet).

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egg is best


If you want to make your hair healthy, then take part in the morning breakfast or you can eat omelet from it. Protein is found in abundance in it which provides hydrate to the hair. Start eating it regularly.



Hair needs our concentration of iron, which you can get by eating spinach greens. This will reduce the problem of hair fall. Apart from spinach, you and the green skin are also made a part of the diet.

vitamin C


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Include Vitamin C (Vitamin C) food in your diet for dieting. It works to absorb iron. Include lemon, orange, kiwi etc. in your daily routine. It makes both hair and skin shiny.

Walnuts give nutrition


Walnut is such a dry fruit that nourishes the hair completely. It works to make the hair thick. Let us tell you that to keep the health of hair better, omega 3 fatty acids should be consumed. It is found in abundance in almonds and flax seeds.

jar juice is good


If you want your hair to fall then start sharing Gajar juice (Gajar ka juice). It is rich in nutrients. Apart from this, make sure the raw slot. Apart from this, all those food grains which are rich in Vitamin A.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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