Immunity Diet: 7 Winter Recipes For Immunity We Swear By

This year winters arrived much earlier than we expected, and while we are not really complaining, we also know that there is no room for complacency. We have to do everything we can to strengthen our immunity, which is the time of the year when it hits. Many people experience cold, cough and flu during this phase of infection. This is a good time to make a slight change in your diet. Maybe replace all cold things with warm and comforting foods. There are tons of winter recipes we swear by, and we bet you’ll love them too.

Here are 7 winter recipes for immunity:

1. Masala Chai
This popular tea flavored with spices like cardamom, cinnamon, clove and star anise is a bundle of disease-fighting antioxidants. Try it once and you will know why it remains one of the most popular drinks of all time. Click here for the recipe,

Masala Chai is rich in antioxidants

2. Carrot-Ginger Soup
This mild flavored soup is packed full of spices and herbs that really make soup all things flavourful. Ideal for an early dinner, this hot soup can help soothe your throat and spirit in no time. Click here for the recipe.

3. Greens
Saag is a very desi and delicious dish that makes winters worth the wait for many of us. Greens can be made from a mixture of winter greens such as mustard, fenugreek And spinach, This thick and flavourful dish is often best enjoyed with Makki ki Roti. Click here for the recipe.


Saag is a great winter dish

4. Masala Jaggery
Jaggery or jaggery is one such winter staple that we can never get enough of. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium which help in boosting your immunity naturally. Masala Jaggery is an interesting dish packed with the goodness of many superfoods like jaggery, ghee, ginger etc.

(Also Read:

5. Panjiri
Panjiri is a dry powder made with lots of spices that can benefit your immunity. It is ideal for kids and adults alike. Make sure you don’t skimp with the nuts and dry fruits here, they really bring out the flavor of this dessert. Click here for the recipe.

6. Methi Thepla

Crunchy and very thin parathas made with the goodness of fenugreek leaves, ginger, chillies and herbs of choice. Mix it with curd and chop it. Click here for the recipe.


7. Sesame Chikki

The crunchy, winter-special snack is made with sesame seeds and sugar or jaggery, and is perfect to warm up your body while satisfying a mid-meal craving. Click here for the recipe.

Try these recipes and let us know which one you liked best.

(This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own doctor for further details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information does.)