Importance of millet for kids

Called the ‘miracle grain’ or the ‘crop of the future’, millets can not only grow in harsh conditions but are drought-resistant crops that require little external input. Millets are certainly a nutritious option when NCDs are on the rise in children of this age. Millet helps in reducing obesity, reducing the risk of high blood pressure, heart health, diabetes, cancer as well as preventing constipation due to high dietary fiber content with low glycemic index.

Read also: Millets for Strong Bones: Here are 5 ways you can include grains in your diet

Millets are remarkable in their nutritional values, be it vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber or other nutrients. Right from the time the baby starts taking solids, millet holds a place in the Indian kitchen due to its immense health benefits and versatility. There are many millets, known by different names in different languages ​​– ragi, jowar and bajra being the most popular of them. Ragi contains essential amino acids such as tryptophan, methionine and valine. They help fight anxiety and depression. They also promote healthy skin and hair growth, help with tissue repair and muscle coordination. It has minerals – iron and calcium, two very important minerals for growing babies. Sprouted ragi porridge is one of the most preferred complementary foods for babies in India.

The increased vitamin C in sprouts makes the iron present in it more absorbable. There are many more millets with different nutrient profiles. For example, foxtail millet (Navane) is rich in iron and copper which helps in red blood cell growth and stimulation for cellular growth. Proso Millet contains high lecithin which supports the nervous health system. It is rich in vitamins (niacin and folic acid), minerals (phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron) and essential amino acids (methionine and cysteine). Kodu millet (Haraka) is an excellent source of B vitamins, especially niacin, B6 and folic acid.

Read also: 7 Best Millet Recipes | easy millet recipes

Millet is an excellent source of fiber, which is essential for good digestive health. Bajra can be used to make a variety of dishes like little bajra upma, foxtail bajra khichdi or pulao, bajra adai dosa, idli, laddoos, cakes and porridge. A multi millet porridge is quite a filling breakfast and is very suitable if time is short for making and eating breakfast. It’s filling, nutritious, quick and easy to prepare. Here is a list of millets under different names.

  • Jowar Millet (Jolla, Jwar, Cholam, Jona)
  • Millets (Ragi, Nachni, Mundua, Kejhavargu, Ragula, Parji Pullu)
  • Foxtail Millet (Navane, Kangni, Raala, Thinai, Korra, Thinna)
  • Millet (Sajje, Bajra, Kambu, Sajjalu, Kambalam) Barnard Millet (Oodlu, Sanwa)
  • Small Millet (Saame, Moraiyo, Kutki, Shavan)
  • Kodu Millet (Harka)
  • Proso Millet
  • Amaranth Bajra (Rajgira, Ramdana and Chola)
  • Buckwheat millet (buckwheat)

Millets are highly nutritious as well as cheap. This nutrient-rich food can play an important role in the growth and development of children of all economic status.

About the author: Ms. Shalini Aravind is the Chief Dietitian at Fortis Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru.

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