‘Important lesson learned’: Metroman E Sreedharan quits active politics

metroman E Sreedharan On Thursday, he said that he no longer wanted to be a part of active politics.

Stating that he had learned a valuable lesson from the Bharatiya Janata Party’s defeat in the Kerala Assembly elections, the technocrat insisted that he does not need to enter politics to serve the people.

He said, “I was never a politician and neither want to. I am 90 now and hence do not want to be in politics. I do not need to be a politician to serve the people which I am doing through three trusts.” I’ve been.”

He said that he was initially unhappy with his defeat in the elections, but then realized that even if he had won, a single MLA could not do much for the people.

The 90-year-old also advised that the BJP in the state needs to change its policy to do well in the elections.

“The party will have to do a lot to establish a foothold in the state,” he said. I had mentioned this in my report to the party president after the electoral debacle. I don’t want to discuss those things anymore,” Sreedharan said.

He had contested the assembly elections from Palakkad in April last as the BJP’s CM candidate, but lost to Congress leader Shafi Parambil.

Meanwhile, BJP state chief K Surendran said in Ernakulam that Sreedharan was never an active politician, but the party would continue to seek his advice on many matters.

Surendran said, “Even though he (Sreedharan) lost the election, the party needs his service and that is why he is on the BJP’s national executive. Whatever be the news of his quitting, the party will take his advice.” answer to a question.

Sreedharan had joined the BJP in February. “He is our CM candidate. His entry has given new energy and vigor to the party,” Surendran had said at the time.

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