Imran Khan’s medical report shows cocaine use, claims Pak health minister

By India Today World Desk: Trouble mounts for former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan as a medical test done when under arrest in a corruption case revealed the use of alcohol and cocaine.

This was revealed during a press conference by Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel on the ex-PM’s medical report, prepared by a panel of five doctors. If confirmed, Imran Khan, who already faces over 100 cases, will face further legal action.

Imran Khan’s urine sample was taken at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in Islamabad after he was arrested in the Al-Qadir Trust case. The initial medical report revealed the use of “toxic chemicals” such as “alcohol and cocaine”, the health minister said.

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Abdul Qadir Patel, who said the government would make Imran Khan’s medical report public, claimed that Khan’s mental stability was questionable. He said there was some “inappropriate gesture” and the ex-PM’s actions were not that of a “fit man”.

Imran Khan was arrested by the paramilitary Pakistan Rangers in a corruption case while he was at the Islamabad High Court premises on May 9, triggering unrest across the country. Khan, who was ousted from power last year, was later released on bail and has received protective bail against arrest in all cases.

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This is not the first time Imran Khan has been accused of drug abuse. His ex-wife Reham Khan had alleged that she caught the PTI chief snorting coke.

“The typical day’s cocktail would generally consist of half an ecstasy tablet and one or two lumps of coke, followed by two to three sedatives at night,” Reham Khan had claimed.

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