In 2022, India needs new learning technologies, digital heavy curriculum

The education landscape in India has seen a tectonic shift in the last year with the impact of the pandemic and the devastating second wave approaching home. As schools and colleges across the country were suddenly deprived of ordinary student chatter and in-person classroom lectures, India embraced a new era of distance education with remarkable speed and commitment. Curriculum changed almost overnight, teachers were skilled, and students adapted to the ‘new normal’.

What was supposed to be a ‘quick fix’ has become the norm over the past year and a half, and it seems to stay with many educational institutions adopting the hybrid model. Thus, as we enter the new year, the broader trend of digital learning will continue, with learning gaps such as assessment effectiveness and curriculum efficacy taking center stage.

The education sector is at a turning point and edtech solutions will be increasingly adopted in 2022, as it forces us to question traditional methods, pedagogy and mindset. The Pandemic and the current hybrid model have already set the wheels in motion. The seamless integration of these solutions within existing print and classroom teaching methods will determine its future success in the Indian context.

Bridging the digital divide and learning gaps

While there has been a huge leap forward in the impact and reach of digital education, access to the best of content has not been inclusive. Digital content and learning capabilities vary greatly between private and public schools, leaving public school students at a disadvantage. Moreover, the paucity of quality vernacular content widens the gap between students from small urban and rural communities to students in the top few metro cities. There is an urgent need for the education eco-system to come together to bridge these gaps so that all learners can take advantage of the opportunity of digital learning at the same level.

More personalization and immersive learning experiences

Technologies such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) were already on the rise, but the pandemic has accelerated their adoption. As classrooms move toward computer screens, there is a greater demand for assistants that allow for better engagement and visualization of concepts. These aides help students immerse themselves in a more engaging learning environment that encourages them to further explore new concepts and apply them better in real-life situations.

Especially with regard to disciplines of higher education such as medicine, design, or even engineering, technologies like VR/AR have been a blessing with distance learning being the only mode of education throughout the pandemic. Given the world’s need for creative thinkers and problem-solvers, India’s education curriculum has to evolve and adopt new technologies to stay up-to-date and relevant to match the expectations of our changing world.

New Assessment Models and Techniques to Meet Digital-Heavy Curriculum

While India shifted to online mode of education, there were, and will remain, significant gaps with regard to results. As students gradually move back to campuses and education institutions establish a hybrid approach, the next few months will be crucial for assessing the learning gaps created as a result of the online model. A more personalized and customized assessment model will be needed to assess individual students in both the private- and public-school systems.

Helping teachers is an opportunity for lasting improvement

As teachers adopt a new medium of education overnight with tremendous flexibility, there is a great need for regular, well-designed training programs and workshops to help them embrace the change. With VR, AR and AI increasingly integrated into classrooms and regular curricula, we need to see a shift from upskilling training to ‘always-on skills’ for teachers.

Mental health priority in designing new curriculum

One thing that became clear during the pandemic was the effect of blurring lines between our offline and online worlds on mental health. The importance of ‘stop’ has never been more relevant, and educational institutions are increasingly prioritizing conscious living and mental wellness as they design courses for all age groups.

– Written by Sumant Dutta, India’s Managing Director at Oxford University Press

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