In latest fridge murder, woman’s family says no clue of live-in boyfriend

New Delhi:

The family of Nikki Yadav – the 23-year-old who was allegedly strangulated by her live-in partner in Delhi – claims they were not aware of the relationship. His father has demanded death penalty for Sahil Gehlot. “They talk of educating girls. Beti padhao. But where is the security? They can’t provide security to women. On top of that the police is claiming she was in a live-in relationship for four years. All the rumors are false Are.” his uncle Suresh Yadav told NDTV in an exclusive interview.

Nikki Yadav’s body was found on Tuesday, when many people in the country were celebrating Valentine’s Day. Police have said that Sahil Gehlot killed her during an argument on Saturday and kept her body in a fridge at a restaurant owned by his family.

The argument was over Sahil’s marriage to another woman, which took place that evening, hours after the murder. Police said that Nikki, who was in a live-in relationship with Sahil Gehlot for a long time, had no knowledge about the marriage.

Nikki Yadav’s father Sunil Yadav told NDTV, “We don’t know about her live-in status. Our entire family doesn’t know. These lies are being spread. She has been staying with her younger sister for the last eight months.” Sharing a room.” , Nikki’s younger sister is pursuing a master’s degree in commerce.

The family hails from Haryana’s Jhajjar district and Mr. Yadav runs a motor repair business in Gurugram.

He told that Nikki used to talk to her mother on the phone every evening. When asked if she had no idea about the existence of Sahil Gehlot, she said, “No. We didn’t know… My younger daughter doesn’t know anything about it. Her mother doesn’t know either.” “

He said that his daughter was an intelligent woman who had dreams of becoming a professor.

Sources said the car in which Nikki Yadav was allegedly killed has been seized. Sahil Gehlot, who broke down during questioning by the police, finally led them to the body on Tuesday. He has been kept in police custody for five days.

This is the second incident of a girl being murdered allegedly by her live-in partner in Delhi. Last year, Shraddha Walker was murdered by her live-in partner Aftab Poonawalla, who cut her body into pieces and kept them in a fridge before disposing them across the city, police have said.