In the case of 24 infections in Maharashtra, there were 5000 more incidents in Mumbai on Thursday.

20,181 new cases of corona were registered in Mumbai (symbolic photo)

Mumbai :

in Mumbai new plan number for corona elongation. In Mumbai, 20,181 new cases of corona were registered in Mumbai, it was registered on Thursday, where the cases were registered is Hazara. are harmful to the infection of the suburbs. Dharavi recorded 24, 107, Dadar 223 and Details 308 new cases. In the state of Maharashtra, 36265 new infections were recorded in the state of 24 infections and the infection died over time. The Maharashtra Tr. also has a T-Tri 79 Ohmic variant aircraft.

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In Delhi 24 updates in terms of updates, crosses 15% in terms of news updates

According to the tour of Brihanmumbai, enter 20, 181 in text 85 (17154). On Thursday, August 1170 in August of August, when the establishment of VAT will be assisted. With these cases registered on Thursday, the number of active patients in metropolitan Mumbai has reached 79, 260. So far 16,388 people have lost their lives due to corona infection in Mumbai.

Completely over in Mumbai. The country has recorded 90,928 new COVID-19 cases in outlying 24, taking the rise to 56.5 in outer. There were 58,097 new corona casts. The presence of the infection in 325 people in 24 hours carries the germ. There is life from Corona in the country, the total data of general has been updated to 4, 82,8876. Newly updated to make it better. According to the data of the Union Health Ministry, the number of active cases has increased to 2,85,401 i.e. 2,85,401 patients are undergoing treatment for corona. During the last 24 hours, 19,206 patients have been free from infection. Twice, so far a total of 3,43,41,009 bachelors as fruits in the disaster. The update has arrived at 97.81 percent in time.

In terms of treatment for treatment: Order of Delhi Pvt.
