In the collision of two cars, the careless pedestrian survived, watch the viral video

Last Update: September 05, 2022, 18:55 IST

In this, a woman is crossing the road, which is narrowly coming in the grip of two speeding vehicles left.

Neither the video nor the caption specifically states where the accident happened

Road accidents are common in any part of the world, and according to statistics World According to the Health Organization (WHO), road accidents cause approximately 1.3 million deaths in the world every year. In this digital age, many such accidents which have been recorded in CCTV or through mobile phones, make their way on the internet. While the more gruesome loss of life is unpleasant to watch and commonly flagged on the internet, there are some documents that miraculously survived.

These videos are hair-raising as most of them show someone sporting a very close beard to death and one such video is going viral right now. In this, a woman is crossing the road, which is narrowly coming in the grip of two speeding vehicles left. However, both the vehicles collided to avoid hitting the woman. The beginning of CCTV footage shows three female pedestrians preparing to cross a busy road.

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While two of them patiently wait for the on-going traffic to pass, the third gets a little more careless and starts walking immediately. Her carelessness could have taken her life as two speeding cars almost hit her as she was in the middle of the road.

However, both the cars turn at the last minute to avoid him and end up colliding with each other. It is clear from the video that due to negligence on the part of the woman, this ruckus took place. Thankfully, it does not appear that the occupants of the car were seriously injured.

The video was shared by social media handle Viralhog with the caption, “Careless pedestrian miraculously survives car accident”. Neither the video nor the caption specifically states in which part of the world the accident took place. However, it certainly serves as an eye-opener about how careful one should be while crossing the road.

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