in the heart of the Himalayas

Namita Gokhale | photo credit: special arrangement

essay in Mystics and Skeptics: In Search of the Himalayan Masters, edited by Namita Gokhale, witness both the tyranny and beauty of life and come alive to the spiritual resonance of the Himalayas. An atheist might read this with a pinch of salt; But the book is engaging and helps to understand why people take leaps of faith. A diverse group of authors, including diplomats, journalists, writers and practitioners, provide insight into the experiences of wanderers and spiritual masters. In an interview, Gokhale explains how he was drawn to the Himalayas and why he thought of a book of essays on the mountains.

Nubra Valley in Leh, Ladakh.

Nubra Valley in Leh, Ladakh. , Photo credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Most of your books are engrossing narratives about the opulence and mysticism of the Himalayas.

My childhood was spent in the hills of Kumaon and the love of the Himalayas, therefore, is a part of what I write. However, I have written 21 books (including anthologies) with a 22nd in the pipeline and not all of them are about mountains. Laughter, irony and humor are equally a part of my repertoire; Urban spaces fascinate and intrigue me. my first novel Paro – Dreams of Passion, was established between Mumbai and Delhi; It was published nearly 40 years ago and remains wickedly funny.

A vintage bungalow on the side of a hill in Kumaon.

A vintage bungalow on the side of a hill in Kumaon. , Photo Credit: Getty Images

What inspired you to curate the latest anthology?

Curating this anthology was important to me because I wanted to discover and add my own learnings to the process of compiling it. It was a journey and a discovery in that sense. I wanted to stay away from the romantic and exaggerated spirituality that sometimes comes across in this genre. A healthy dose of skepticism is sure grounds for mystical investigation.

The book contains well researched essays on the lives of real Pathiks/Sadhaks. But, a leap of imagination is required to understand and accept the deep mysteries behind their stories.

The stories and encounters in this anthology are likely to shock and disorient those who have been brought up on the basis of so-called ‘rational’ thought. Bear in mind, however, that magical changes in technology will also require what you call a ‘leap of the imagination’ in material and virtual worlds. Everything requires a leap of imagination, and a spiritual realm does indeed exist, though not everyone is ready to access it.

Finding peace in solitude.

Finding peace in solitude. , Photo credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Rationalists and atheists look for logic… For example, you have written about the miraculous Neem Karoli Baba’s riddle – how an engine driver could not restart a train after being thrown out. Do you find that beliefs often develop unconsciously and change over time?

This compilation was not written to persuade rationalists and non-believers, for whom I have the highest regard and respect. The book is just that – a collection of essays by respected theologians, scholars and spiritual practitioners, both believers and non-believers, about their encounters and experiences.

Whether a reader believes in or questions divinity or religion, the chapters in the book have the power to connect with oneself on one level. Would you say that the book has the potential to impact the life of the reader?

in my introduction mystic and skeptic, I write, “In migration across the Himalayas, it is best to be cautious in casual encounters, for it is impossible to discern whether one is meeting a saint, a siddha, a lunatic, or a charlatan.” When I was young, this advice was given by a very religious person, an elderly Tantrik and a scholar and I have kept this advice close to my heart.

“The gods come to us in many guises,” he told me. “They may come to you with blessings, or they may leave you with a curse, if you don’t behave properly.”

An aerial view of the Himalayas.

An aerial view of the Himalayas. , Photo Credit: Getty Images

What are you working on next?

I have recently finished work on a novel. I like to work on two and sometimes even three book projects a year, stretching them across my time and span of concentration. I find myself increasingly drawn to writing short stories.

Mystics and Skeptics: In Search of the Himalayan Masters, Namita Gokhale, edited by HarperCollins, ₹699.