In this nail-biting video, the truck driver’s perfect timing saved the child’s life

You must have surely seen videos on social media, where a small misconception leads to life-changing results. However, a clip of a cargo truck driver’s admirable alertness has won the hearts of netizens on Twitter. In the video now going viral, a kid suddenly comes across a cargo truck on the highway, but what happens next will surely leave you stunned.

The clip begins with a bus dropping the children at their destination. What appears at first to be a random clip, soon turns into a nail-biting scene as one of the kids finds himself fixated on attempting to cross the street.

Unable to notice the cargo truck due to the bus, the child comes right in front of the larger vehicle.

Meanwhile, the audience’s heartbeat intensified. However, the driver’s commendable alertness prompted him to press the brakes immediately, saving the child’s life.

Watch the viral video below:

This video shared on Twitter has been viewed more than 1 million times so far.

Soon after the video surfaced on the micro-blogging platform, several users praised the driver for his presence of mind.

Some told that children should never cross the road alone. “Children should never cross the road alone. Must be some elderly person to accompany him,” wrote one user.

Another was completely affected by the brake mechanism. He said, “Wow really wow. Hope they use the same system for other vehicles so that more lives can be saved.”

What do you have to say about the video?

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