In world’s first, Israel organizes war games to prepare for more deadly Covid strain

Israel on Thursday launched a nationwide exercise to test its readiness in the event of an outbreak of a new, more deadly COVID-19 variant. The ‘Omega Drill’, which is believed to be the world’s first such exercise, will be led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

The exercise, a battle-game over three sessions to simulate the passage of time after a potential flare-up, will test the resilience of systems that dictate lockdown policies, monitor varsities, provide economic support to civilians , enforce quarantine and cross the border.

“The State of Israel is in an excellent position. We beat the fourth wave and we are on the way out of the Delta version. However, at the same time, we are always looking ahead and preparing for the continuation of the campaign,” Bennett “We are not ‘closing shop’. Nor are we shutting down the management system and the course of the fight against the virus,” it said in a statement.

“On the contrary, we are continuing to practice and challenge ourselves. While the coronavirus situation in the world is deteriorating, Israel is safe and secure. To maintain it, and to protect the continuation of normal life We must continue to monitor the situation closely and be prepared for any scenario,” he added.

The exercise will be conducted in a war-game format and will include a senior-level, inter-organizational simulation that tests the national management of a new strain, the ‘Omega’ strain, which is yet to be discovered. State of Israel.

The exercise will deal with several aspects and will test professional systems in extreme conditions in the phases of the exercise:

• Policy aspects: restricting gatherings, restricting movement, quarantine policy, program plans (holidays, etc.), selected or nationwide lockdown/curfew and tourism.

• Health aspects: monitoring, follow-up, inspection and warnings, continuity, testing of the safety provided by vaccines, epidemiological screening, testing, hospital capacity, designated procurement, large-scale during the development of a new and dangerous version Testing, Vaccines (booster doses, other vaccines, etc.)

• Legal aspects: approval of local or regional lockdown/curfew, restriction policy, specified regulations

• Economic Aspects: Aid to the National Effort, Subsidy to the Population

• Public Safety Aspects: Enforcement of Quarantine, Local Lockdown/Curfew, Enforcement of Regulations

• Education system: protect student health, reduce classroom size, close schools in outbreak centers, change education plans (capsules, distance learning)

• Ben-Gurion International Airport and Border Crossings: Departure and Arrival Policy, Controls, Selective Closing.

• Public Diplomacy and Media: Informing the public and increasing transparency, responding to discourse on the Internet, emulating the National Directorate of Public Diplomacy

The number of seriously ill Israelis diagnosed with COVID-19 dropped from about 700 at the end of August to 149 on November 10, while the number of daily new infections fell from about 10,000 per day to just under 500.

Israel this month opened its doors to fully vaccinated tourists, while experts called for stricter security measures to be implemented. It is also preparing to vaccinate children in the age group of 5 to 11 years against Kovid-19.

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