Include these fruits in your diet to avoid migraine triggers

New Delhi: Living with migraine can be difficult. This is because it can be triggered by anything. Even certain foods and drinks can trigger pain. Thus, it becomes necessary for people suffering from migraine to pay attention to what should not be eaten while eating. However, what matters more is focusing on foods to include in your diet that can help reduce the severity of headaches and migraine attacks.

A diet can be of great help in both migraine management and overall health. Thus, you need to maintain your diet if you want to manage your migraines. If you want to avoid migraine then here are some fruits that you can include in your diet.


If you’re looking for something quick and easy to help with a migraine attack or headache, try a banana as it can be great for quick energy recovery. Since they are high in magnesium, it can treat headaches. Plus, they have 74 percent water which is good for hydration.


Watermelon contains a lot of water which is about 92 percent. Thus, it can help you stay hydrated. Since fluids are important for health, it can be very helpful as far as migraines are concerned.


Berries are high in antioxidants and thus, they can help relieve sinus pressure over time. You can consume any number of berries, including blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.


Avocados are rich in both omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. It also has the advantage of being high in riboflavin which makes it an ideal fruit for migraines.


According to studies, cantaloupe can help stabilize insulin levels in non-diabetics. Since low blood sugar can be a headache trigger, cantaloupe can prevent it.