“Incredible story of love”: Woman donates kidney to husband after undergoing 98 dialysis sessions

Leo’s parents became the oldest kidney donors and recipients at the Kochi hospital.

The internet is full of touching stories. The latest is posted by a Twitter user describing how his mother donated a kidney to his father to save his life after 98 dialysis sessions.

Twitter user, Leo mentioned that his father was having dialysis sessions three days a week and his mother used to wait for more than five to six hours for the procedure to be completed. He adds, “Then he donated his kidney to save her and now both of them have come out of this misery. I don’t know a better love story than this.”

Leo also thanked the doctors in Kochi, Kerala for their efficiency in performing kidney transplants. In the same Twitter thread, he also highlighted the need for awareness in organ donation and said that over five lakh people are waiting for kidney transplant.

“Big shout out also to the team of @kamaldshah, nephroplus, @kidney_warriors for what they are doing for kidney patients in India. Better appreciate it after our family has gone through it. Thank us more for organ donation There is a need for awareness. More than 500,000 people are waiting for one,” he said.

Leo said the family paid less than Rs 15,000 for the entire process and 99 per cent of the cost was borne by the insurance company.

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At the age of around 70, both his parents are the oldest kidney donors and recipients respectively at the Kochi hospital. “The doctor(s) got 2 months of intensive testing and approval from all the department(s) to proceed. Cardiac clearance is important. Age alone is not,” he continued.

The touching post has over 1200 likes. One internet user wrote, “Glad to know that your parents are doing well and recovering. Hugs and blessings to you and your family. :)” Another added, “Wow! An unbelievable amount of love. Story!”.

Sharing a heartbreaking experience, a user commented, “Wishing them both a healthy and happy life. Every story like this seems personal as I lost a parent due to kidney failure. I hope that one day Indian medical system will prioritize health. Normal people like they do for VIPs. We have got transplant date after 1 year.”

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