India China border news: China’s new land border law is a matter of concern for us. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: India on Wednesday reacted to China’s new “land border law” and said Beijing’s unilateral decision which could impact the existing bilateral arrangement in the border areas is a matter of concern.
“We have noted that China has passed a new “Land Boundary Law” on 23 October 2021. The law states, among other things, that China abide by treaties concluded or jointly with foreign countries on land boundary matters. It also has provisions for reorganization of districts in border areas,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said in a statement.

The government noted that India and China have still not resolved the boundary question.
“Both sides have agreed to seek a fair, just and mutually acceptable solution to the boundary question through consultations at the same level. We have also concluded a number of bilateral agreements, protocols and arrangements to maintain peace and tranquility. is extracted. LAC In the Indo-China border areas in the interim,” Bagchi said.
“China’s unilateral decision to bring about a law that may have implications for our existing bilateral arrangement on border management as well as on the border question is a matter of concern to us. Such a unilateral move has no bearing on those arrangements. Will not affect what both sides have already reached. Before that, whether it is on the border question or to maintain peace along the LAC in the India-China border areas,” the government said.

The government further confirmed that it expects China to refrain from acting on the pretext of legislation that could unilaterally change the situation in the India-China border areas.
The Centre’s reaction comes days after China adopted a new land boundary law amid a military standoff with India.
The law, which comes into force on 1 January of the following year, stipulates that “the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People’s Republic of China are sacrosanct and nonviolent”.
The law also stipulates that the state will open up border areas, improve public services and infrastructure in such areas, encourage and support people’s lives, as well as strengthen border defence, support economic and social development. Will take measures to do and work there. Coordination between border defense and socio-economic development in the border areas.


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