India, Denmark to strengthen green strategic partnership

India and Denmark on Tuesday agreed to further strengthen green strategic partnership with a focus on green hydrogen, renewable energy and wastewater management.

“During our discussions, we reviewed the Joint Action Plan for the Green Strategic Partnership. I am happy that significant progress has been made in various sectors, especially in the areas of renewable energy, health, ports, shipping, circular economy and water management,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said during an interaction with his Danish counterpart Mette Fredriksen. later told reporters here. ,

The bilateral talks were followed by the signing of several agreements covering areas such as green shipping, animal husbandry and dairy, water management, energy, cultural exchange.

In a joint statement issued here, the two Prime Ministers welcomed the intention of both countries to deepen and expand existing cooperation in the field of safe and secure water to meet current and future demand through a holistic and sustainable approach.

“They look forward to the early signing of a Memorandum of Understanding as a broad-based framework between the Ministry of Jal Shakti and the Danish Ministry of the Environment to enhance existing cooperation and launch new initiatives including a Smart Laboratory on Clean River Water. Varanasi and Center of Excellence on Smart Water Resource Management,” it said.

The two Prime Ministers welcomed the Letter of Intent on the establishment of a Center of Excellence on Green Shipping, which will further strengthen bilateral maritime cooperation.

The two leaders also agreed to expand cooperation on agriculture by joint declaration of intention to establish a Center of Excellence on Dairy among others.

India and Denmark also reaffirmed their continued cooperation in the field of antimicrobial resistance. India has accepted Denmark’s invitation to join the International Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS) as a mission partner, the joint statement said.

The Prime Minister of Denmark confirmed Denmark’s entry into the Global Digital Health Partnership at the invitation of India to improve public health and well-being through evidence-based digital technologies.

Mr. Modi and Ms. Frederickson welcome international agreement at COP26 on the need for prompt climate action to keep global average temperature rise to two degrees below pre-industrial levels and to step up efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees . Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

“The two sides looked to take global leadership to advance the ambitious green energy transition and demonstrate ways to achieve this, focusing on both energy efficiency and renewable energy – through the Green Strategic Partnership,” the joint statement said. Confirmed the aspirations.”

“India’s green strategic partnership with Denmark is highly valued. Prime Minister Fredrickson and I discussed how we can make this partnership more effective. We also discussed cooperation in renewable energy, ports, shipping, water management and other areas,” Mr Modi said in a tweet.

Ms Fredriksson emphasized Denmark’s commitment to accelerating the phase-out of fossil fuels and the deployment of renewable energy in Denmark to reach the goal of reducing emissions by 70% by 2030.