“India has not lost any ground…”: Defense Ministry dismisses reports of reduction in patrolling points in the information

It is noteworthy that PD Nitya, a senior police officer of Sandesh, said in a report that “at present there are 65 PPs (patrol points) from Karakoram Pass to Chumur, out of them regularly patrolled by I SHAR (Indian Security Force)”. Out of 65 PPs, our presence in 26 PPs (i.e. PP No. 5-) has ceased. 5-17, 24-32, 37 continue to be in this situation due to no patrolling by the Indian security forces.

Report was filed last week

The report was filed last week at the annual conference of the country’s top police officers in Delhi, which was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. It added that, “Later, China will force us to accept the fact that these areas have not seen long-standing presence of Indian nationals or Indian nationals. The Chinese were present in these areas. “Buffer zones” are created around all such pockets by the Indian side. Ultimately, India will lose control over these features.”

“affects the morale of the army”

The officers wrote, “Appler has taken advantage of the NM in de-escalation negotiations by keeping his best techniques on the highest peaks and monitoring the movement of our Security Works… They object to our movement even in my zone.” The Chinese claim that this is their territory and then ask us to go back to create more ‘buffer’ zones. PD Nitya in his report said that this Chinese strategy was seen in the Galwan Valley. There was a violent clash in 2020, when 20 Indian soldiers and at least four Chinese soldiers were killed in hand-to-hand combat.Nitya also said that marking areas off-limits and keeping them empty also hurts the morale of the army. affects.

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