India insults the dignity of women in millions of ways. Ranveer Singh’s nude photoshoot is none

Rnude photoshoot of anveer singh paper The magazine has clearly insulted the modesty of some Indian women, if you believe that FIR A Mumbai based NGO and a lawyer have filed against the Bollywood actor. I can list millions of other things that happen every day in the country which would amount to insulting a woman. But a photo of a male actor without clothes would never figure in that list.

Complainant advocate Vedika Choubey, who is also a former journalist, clearly has a wrong view of hurting the sentiments of a woman. But then it is the season to commit crimes in India. Earlier there was religion, now there is nudity. What will happen next? naked animals?

Ranveer Singh’s over-the-top sartorial choices and his outspokenness about topics like sex are certainly demonstrative and a part of his brand. But why does it matter? He challenges traditional, homegrown toxic masculinity. He is an artist who owns every part of himself.

The idea that perpetuates the complaint is that women should not see or enjoy nude photos of men. Only men have the sole, exclusive right to do whatever they want. Even the language used by the NGO named Shyam Mangram Foundation in its complaint Letter Adopted an authoritative voice with the power delegated to himself to decide what is ‘shame’ in society.

The letter to the Chembur police station read, “Freedom of expression… does not mean that you walk around naked in the society.” The police registered an FIR under IPC sections 292 (sale of obscene books, etc.), 293 (sale of obscene objects to a young person, etc.) and 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman).

You might find the shoot uninteresting or not pleasing to the eye, but I don’t think a woman’s ‘humility’ – so called by patriarchal society – is so fragile that a nude photoshoot of a man would ‘insult’ her It is possible

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long ago

It is extremely rare that a male, mainstream Bollywood actor is naked. Milind Soman and Madhu Sapre created panic with their nude photoshoot in 1995. Tuff Shoes, The second example was in 2020 when Soman FIR faced To run naked in Goa on his 55th birthday.

While Soman has since remained a brand of its own made in India Song video by Alisha Chinoy, he is still not as mainstream as Ranveer Singh – Yash Raj Films (YRF) product, and is married to another Bollywood powerhouse Deepika Padukone.

Unlike other cinestars, Ranveer wears his flamboyance on his sleeve. He was the first mainstream Bollywood actor to promote a condom brand.

That ad steers clear of objectifying women and focuses on loving sex and getting ready. It also interestingly changes the responsibility of safe sex. The #DoTheRex campaign was hugely popular, and that’s because, after all, someone said—sex isn’t just about a growing population, STDs, or unwanted pregnancies; It is also about pleasure.

in that coffee with karan In the episodes, Ranveer never shied away from talking about his dating life or the sexual side of it. In a country like ours, what a mainstream actor is doing is helping people overcome their barriers, and embrace their sexuality and quirks and kinks.

Even the actor’s clothing, which has been constantly remembered and initially criticized, has made room for more quirky, gender-fluid clothing. This doesn’t take away the fact that his status gives him the kind of power that the gay community never gets. But then, who else dared to take a risk like him when he could play safe?

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lead the way

Nude photoshoot of a man made headlines. But it probably gave a lot of people the confidence to do something similar. If not to be published or shared, then simply to be yourself.

He upsets the society at large because he doesn’t follow our ideas about how an actor with a shrunken body should look, dress or act.

if someone reads Interview With the shoot, things become clear- we are definitely a land of hypocrites. We want a man to lead. But only if it suits the kind of masculinity we are comfortable with. Otherwise, he disguises the ‘modesty of women’, insulting the ‘humility’ of manhood.