India Mobile Congress 2023: PM Modi says ‘world is using Made in India mobile….’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 7th Edition of India Mobile Congress 2023 on October 27 and said ‘The Future is Here and Now,” reported ANI. The event is taking place at Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan in New Delhi.

PM Modi said, “In the rapidly changing world of the 21st century, this event has the potential to change the fate of crores of people……. But today due to changes in technology we say that the future is here and now,” at the conference.

The Prime Minister further stated that we are moving in the direction of becoming leaders in the area of 6G technology. He said, “We are not only expanding 5G in the country but also moving in the direction of becoming leaders in the area of 6G technology.” Taking a dig the UPA government he said, “Everyone knows what happened during the 2G (spectrum allocation during UPA govt). During our government, 4G was expanded but there was no stain on us. I am confident that India will lead the world in 6G technology,”

He added, “Be it technology, be it connectivity, be it 6G, be it AI, Cybersecurity, Semiconductors, Drones, Deep sea, the times to come are going to be completely different and it is a matter of happiness for everyone that our young generation is leading the future of the country.”

In line with ‘Make in India’ campaign he said Samsung’s Fold 5 mobile phone and Apple’s iPhone 15 are being manufactured in India. He also mentioned that tech giant Google is going to manufacture Pixel phones in India and said “Recently, Google has announced the manufacturing of its Pixel phone in India. Samsung’s Fold 5 mobile phone and Apple’s iPhone 15 are being manufactured in India. We are proud that the world is using Made in India mobile phones now.”

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He mentioned that India has become one of the top 3 startup ecosystems in the world and said, “In a short span of time, we have created a century of unicorns and have become one of the top 3 start-up ecosystems in the world.”

He further pointed out that India has reached 43rd position in mobile broadband speed that is a massive upgrade from previous rank of 118 and added that 4 lakh 5G base stations have been set up within one year of 5G roll-out.

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