India poised to become $313bn education and skills market by 2030: Report – Times of India

New Delhi: With the pandemic contributing to an unprecedented boom in online education and jobs in the country, India will soon become a $313 billion online education market, according to a new report.

The report, titled “Investing for Impact: Education, Skills and Edtech”, talks about 10 disruptive investment ideas that will help Indians acquire their education as well as facilitate post-education skills and training and catalyze by new can bring about a transformational change in the – Age educational and training technologies.


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It points to the way forward for the development and creation of human capital keeping in mind the needs of the 21st century education and job market. “Even though the pandemic has caused an unprecedented boom in online education and job upskilling in the country, India is soon set to become a $313 billion online education market,” said the report released by Aspire Circle, a non-profit platform. Social leadership in India through fellowship and research.

The 10 ideas identified in the report are technology-enabled K-12 education, online test preparation platform-based inclusion and affordability, complementary and extra-curricular education, teacher training and development, affordable education loan platforms, gig economy and unbundled Microtasking, affordable student housing, innovative finance in education and skills, micro and alternative credentials for employability skills, and social and emotional learning.

Safina Hussain, founder of ‘Educate Girls’, said, “During Covid-19, around 150 million girls were directly affected by school closures, with about 90 million girls in rural India with no significant learning opportunities.”

“If these girls are provided with technology-driven access to quality education, which is supported by substantial investments in affordable education loan platforms, student housing, extra-curricular and complementary education, and social and emotional education, as in this report If told, it will go a long way in unlocking the impact that is so much needed at the moment,” she said.

This was the second in a series of reports by Aspire Circle as part of a larger program to generate “100 Impact Ideas for Inclusive Growth of India”.

“The Top 10 Ideas in 21st Century Education and Skills lie at the intersection of technology and impact. India’s education and skills market will double in this decade, from $180 billion in 2020 to $313 billion in 2030, while five million Will create and impact incremental jobs.” 429 million learners. We hope that investors, entrepreneurs and policy-makers will engage with our research-based recommendations to help India truly realize its demographic dividend,” said Amit Bhatia, Founder, Aspire Circle.
