India sends medical supplies to Afghanistan India News – Times of India

New Delhi: In the first tranche of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan after its takeover by the Taliban, India on Saturday sent medical supplies to the country with its commitment to help the Afghan people in their time of difficulty.
Medical supplies were sent on a return flight that brought 10 Indians and 94 Afghans from Kabul to Delhi on Friday.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said that the consignment would be handed over to the WHO representatives in Kabul.
“In view of the challenging humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the Government of India has today sent humanitarian assistance, including medical supplies, on the return flight,” the Ministry of External Affairs said.
“These medicines will be handed over to the representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Kabul and will be given at the Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital, Kabul,” it said in a statement.

India has been advocating for providing uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to deal with the humanitarian crisis facing the country.
At the same time, India has been emphasizing that Afghan soil should not be used for any terrorist activities against any country while calling for the formation of a truly inclusive government in Kabul.
India has already announced that it will send 50,000 tonnes of wheat and medicines to Afghanistan via road transport via Pakistan. India and Pakistan are now finalizing the modalities of transportation of the consignment.
The special flight from Kabul to Delhi, chartered by India, brought 10 Indians and 94 Afghans on Friday, the MEA said.
It said, “The flight brought 10 Indians and 94 Afghans, including members of the Afghan minority community. Members of the minority community took with them two ‘Swaroops of the Guru Granth Sahib’ and some ancient Hindu manuscripts.”
The people were brought under India’s “Operation Devi Shakti”, which was launched after the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul on 15 August to evacuate Indians as well as Afghans from Afghanistan.
“So far, a total of 669 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan under ‘Operation Devi Shakti’. This includes 448 Indians and 206 Afghans, including members of the Afghan Hindu/Sikh minority community,” the Ministry of External Affairs said.
In the month of August, 565 people including 438 Indians were evacuated from Afghanistan.
India is concerned by the recent developments in Afghanistan.
It hosted a regional dialogue on Afghanistan on 10 November which was attended by the National Security Advisors (NSA) of Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The participating countries vowed to work towards ensuring that Afghanistan does not become a safe haven for global terrorism and called for an “open and truly inclusive” government in Kabul with representation from all sections of Afghan society. called for the formation.
A declaration issued at the end of the Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan said that Afghan territory should not be used for harboring, training, planning or financing any terrorist act and that the authorities maintain a peaceful, secure and stable environment. Strong support for Afghanistan.
