India, Somalia, Madagascar may collide to form a continent in 200 million years: Study

You won’t live to see ‘mountains of the future’ but in 200 million years Somalia, an East-African country located in the Horn of Africa, and Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean, will collide with India. One continent, claims one study. According to geologists from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, who worked on the research, the collision would result in the formation of the Somalaya Mountains, the largest mountain range 200 million years into the future. The dramatic change of tectonic plates will cause the Himalayan peaks to be lower in memory and the Somalaya Mountains higher above Mumbai. At the time, countries that belonged to two different continents would share the same supercontinent.

Dutch geologist at Utrecht University, Prof. Douwe JJ van Hinsbergen and his team reconstruct past tectonic plate movements to uncover the planet’s geological history. Sometimes when reporters asked Hinsbergen if he could predict future mountains using his own and his team’s reconstructions, his answer would be yes but he wondered if he would not to verify his predictions. So what will happen? But the idea didn’t deter him, and Hinsargen finally decided to give it a shot. So he made some rules for the first time in the world about how the mountains of the future would look.

According to geologists, tectonic plates move and collide all the time—two to three inches a year. Areas where tectonic plates collide are called subduction zones. When one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate, this process is called plate subduction. During subduction, layers that are not rigid enough to survive a collision and make it under another plate rise up and form mountains. Hinsbergen used the reconstruction of past tectonic plate movements to predict future subduction and describe the mountains that formed as a result.

According to Hinsbergen, understanding future mountain formations can help geologists understand how Earth’s current geography developed. The study was published in the American Journal of Science in June 2021.

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