India to hold 2+2 talks with US and Russia

New Delhi India is to hold “2+2” talks with both the US and Russia in the coming weeks – a move that is seen by analysts as a pragmatic expression of India’s pursuit of strategic autonomy.

The India-Russia “2+2” talks – which bring together the defense and foreign ministers of the two countries – are to take place ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to India on 6 December. This will be the first time that Russia and India will have a meeting of ministers in this format.

India has held talks in a “2+2” arrangement with the US, Japan and Australia, which are members of the Quad – a grouping that is perceived against the backdrop of China’s belligerent rise. Group officials met for the first time. The first meeting was held at the Foreign Minister level in 2017 and then in 2019. This was taken forward at a meeting of the leaders of the four Quad countries in March this year. The Quad summit in March – which took place virtually – followed an in-person Quad meeting in September hosted by the US.

Former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal said, “What are you seeing in strategic autonomy in action. It is strange that India which is committed to strategic autonomy does not have ‘2+2’ talks with Russia.” “It is aimed at aligning their (India-Russia) policies with each other and not directed at any third party,” he said, adding that it was also aimed at removing some “wrinkles in the relationship”. The reference was to Russia’s growing ties with China, with which India has strained ties, especially since May last year when Chinese troops entered Indian territory at several places in eastern Ladakh.

Sibal acknowledged that other “2+2” dialogues were a result of the rise of China and its aggressive behavior towards its neighbours, including India.

Sibal said, “2+2” with the US aims to “deepen strategic ties with the US both bilaterally and in the larger perspective of the Indo-Pacific and Quad.” The goals were similar.

“The dialogue is indirectly a product of our concern and threatens peace and stability in the larger Indo-Pacific,” Sibal said.

Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh are expected to travel to Washington for the fourth India-US meeting, the dates for which are still being finalised.

So far, three rounds of talks between the two countries have been held in September 2018, December 2019 and last year in October.

The “2+2” talks with Russia and the US come as India is getting the delivery of the S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile system. The S-400 Triumf air defense missile system will provide a major boost for India. Capable of targeting enemy fighters and cruise missiles at long ranges.

India signed a $5.43 billion deal with Russia for five S-400 regiments in October 2018 and officials have said all deliveries are to be completed within five years.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) will induct the first unit of the S-400 system at a time when India is locked in a standoff with China in the Ladakh sector. China has already deployed two S-400 squadrons at Ngari Gar Gunsa in Tibet and Ningchi airbases in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh respectively.

The deal between India and Russia has been a matter of concern for the US and the threat of sanctions in Washington if India goes ahead with the purchase.

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