Indian Army to unveil new uniform tomorrow; Here’s everything you need to know

The Indian Army is set to introduce a lighter and more climate-friendly combat uniform for its personnel during the Army Day Parade on January 15. The camouflage uniform will be based on a “digital disruptive” pattern and will be available in 13 sizes.

Here’s what you need to know about the new combat uniform of the Indian Army,

  • The new uniform is designed to serve two purposes – protection from harsh climatic conditions, and to provide soldiers’ outfits with field camouflage in order to survive.
  • The new Army Combat Pattern Uniform has been developed with the help of National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) through 15 patterns, eight designs and four fabric options.
  • Army uniform is made of a combination of cotton and polyester in the ratio of 70:30.
  • The fabric of the new Indian Army uniform will be lighter and dry quickly, thus making it more comfortable for the soldiers during the operation.
  • The new uniform will be more durable as well as comfortable in both summer and winter.
  • The uniform, which will have a mix of colours, including olive and earthy, has been designed keeping in mind the areas of deployment of troops and the climatic conditions as they operate.
  • It is learned that the new combat uniform has been finalized after extensive deliberation and analysis of military uniforms of several countries.

Yesterday, the Indian Army rejected the comparison between the new combat uniform with the LTTE uniform. The Army said the two are “distinctively different”, adding that the filters have been used to distort its appearance on the new Army pattern.

Major Gaurav Arya (Retd) wrote on Twitter, “Some people… misinformed or downright malicious are saying that the uniform is similar to the LTTE uniform. Here’s what the new Army Combat Dress looks like. Prabhakaran LTTE Uniform Looks worn.”

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