Indian companies willing to invest in enterprise intelligence to reduce data to decision deadlines: IDC

The International Data Corporation says that by 2023, 40% of enterprise intelligence initiatives will be business-specific, purpose-built for business.

The International Data Corporation says that by 2023, 40% of enterprise intelligence initiatives will be business-specific, purpose-built for business.

By 2023, 40% of enterprise intelligence initiatives will be business-specific, purpose-built for business, reducing data to decision time frames by 25%, as predicted by the International Data Corporation (IDC).

According to IDC, enterprise intelligence comprises four critical elements: the ability to synthesize information, the ability to learn from information, the ability to apply those insights at scale, and a data-driven culture.

Enterprises in India were looking to invest in enterprise intelligence initiatives and projects to integrate knowledge experts with business decision makers for better financial, strategic, benefits such as operational and efficiency. Service level results, the analyst firm said in a report on Thursday.

“The pandemic has highlighted the need to be resilient. Rishu Sharma, Associate Research Director, Cloud & AI, IDC India, said enterprises should focus on shifting from a “process-driven” mindset to a “data-driven” culture.

Sagnik Das, Senior Market Analyst, Cloud & AI, IDC India, said data was at the heart of the DX journey for any industry or vertical.

“Indian organizations are now realizing the importance of leveraging enterprise intelligence across all domains of business operations as well as in the enterprise ecosystem to enhance strategic decision-making processes,” he said.