Indian medicos, graduates of Ukraine University, were welcomed

Indian students of Ukraine’s Neo Institute of Medical Sciences-Zaporizhya State Medical University, who returned home due to the war situation, graduated on Monday.

Of these, 72 have passed the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination for National Medical Commission (NMC) registration, which is considered the toughest medical licensing exam in India. In light of this, all the students who passed the examination were felicitated in a grand graduation ceremony held at AIG Hospital, Hyderabad.

Due to the war in Ukraine, many Indian medicos were forced to return to the country in the middle of their medical education. However, on NMC relaxation, final year medicos were able to complete their degree and registered around 70% success in their first attempt.

Union Minister G Kishan Reddy attended the function as the chief guest and awarded degrees to the graduating students, gold medals on FMGE pass, Covid warrior and evacuation bravery awards.