Indian official Anwar Hussain Sheikh new chairman of WTO committee

Anwar Hussein Shaik will take over the role from Alyssa Maria Olmeida de Alejandro of Mexico.

Anwar Hussein Shaik will take over the role from Alyssa Maria Olmeida de Alejandro of Mexico.

After a gap of ten years, Anwar Hussain Sheikh, an official of the Government of India, has been made the chairman of the WTO’s Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, an official said.

Mr Shaik will take over the role from Alyssa Maria Olmeida de Alejandro from Mexico.

“Our officer posted at PMI (Permanent Mission of India) Geneva has been made the chairman of this TBT committee. The last time an Indian was on the chair was ten years ago,” the official said.

The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement aims to ensure that technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures are non-discriminatory and do not create unnecessary barriers to trade.

The work of the TBT Committee covers two broad areas – reviewing specific measures and strengthening the implementation of the TBT Agreement.

WTO members use this committee to discuss specific trade concerns, specific laws, regulations or procedures that affect their business, usually in response to information.

The WTO is a 164-member multilateral body that formulates rules for global exports and imports and decides disputes between countries on trade-related issues. India is its member since 1995.