Indian-origin father of intruder at Windsor Castle speaks of incident ‘grossly wrong’

The Indian-origin father of a 19-year-old boy being held under Britain’s Mental Health Act after being arrested for trespassing with a crossbow into the grounds of Queen Elizabeth II, Windsor Castle, spoke of the family’s pain over the incident Is.

Jasbir Chail, 58, said his son Jaswant needs help he carved the walls At the palace in Berkshire, south-east England, on Christmas Day while the 95-year-old monarch was in residence.

a social media video, Being reviewed by Scotland Yard, later surfaced in which a masked man identifying himself as Indian Sikh Jaswant Singh Chail said that he wanted to “kill” the queen to avenge the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919.

“Something has gone wrong with our son and we are trying to find out what happened. We haven’t got a chance to talk to them but are trying to get them the help they need,” Jasbir was quoted as saying in ‘The Times’.

“From our point of view, we are going through a difficult time. We are trying to resolve this issue and it is not easy.”

Snapchat video of suspect

According to the newspaper, the suspect’s parents are registered directors of an IT firm and live with the teenager and her twin sister in a house on an estate in the village of North Baddsley in Hampshire, south-east England. Scotland Yard officials have been watching the property since Sunday.

“I will attempt to assassinate Queen Elizabeth of the royal family. This is revenge for those who died in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919,” the masked suspect is heard saying in a distorted voice in the Snapchat video.

“It is also revenge for those who have been killed, humiliated and discriminated against because of their caste. I am an Indian Sikh, a Sith. My name was Jaswant Singh Chail, my name is Darth Jones,” he added. .

Sith refers to villains in the ‘Star Wars’ movies that take “Darth” as a title.

A former classmate at Toynby School in Hampshire said Chail did well in secondary school. The 19-year-old girl, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the newspaper: “He was naughty, but not in a way like ‘I’m so smart’… he was pretty normal.” She said that during her time at school she “never had many ideas for anything to do with racism”, adding: “I don’t know if lockdown is happening to her or anything.”

A message sent along with the suspect’s Snapchat video said: “I am sorry to all who have wronged or lied to me.

“If you’ve got this then my death is near. Please share this with anyone and if possible make it to the news if they’re interested.”

fifth incident in nine months

The incident marked the fifth person to have threatened security at Windsor Castle in the past nine months and was caught on CCTV by security officers within seconds. Meanwhile, UK Home Secretary Priti Patel is said to have instructed department officials to “consider options to strengthen controls” over weapons such as a crossbow, which was recovered in the latest security breach.

“Work has been ongoing throughout the year, and we review all relevant laws to maintain public safety,” a Home Office spokesman said.