Indian women seek more entrepreneurship opportunities than men, reveals LinkedIn

Image Source: Freepik career opportunities

According to new data from LinkedIn, even though Indian women face under-representation in leadership roles in the workforce (18 percent), they are now looking for more entrepreneurship opportunities than men. Published in the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap Report, the data showed that the share of female founders increased 2.68 times compared to 1.79 times among men between 2016 and 2021. The growth rate of female entrepreneurship appeared to be the highest during the pandemic. – in 2020 and 2021.

In addition to under-representation in leadership roles, the data also revealed that women are not being promoted to leadership in companies at the same rate as men internally. Men are 42 percent more likely to be promoted to leadership positions than women.

This may explain why women in leadership roles also lag behind their male counterparts in the senior stages of their careers, with the proportion of women in the workforce declining along the corporate ladder. Read also: Calling for Kerala Travel? Here are the Top 5 Destinations in ‘God’s Own Country’

In India, the representation of women leaders at the senior level has fallen from 29 per cent to 18 per cent at the managerial level.

“Our new data is indicative of one thing: Working women in India are being held back by more constraints in the workplace than men. But despite adversity, many women persevere and find their own path toward entrepreneurship. “Creating a career that allows them to work on their own terms with greater flexibility,” Ruchi Anand, Senior Director, India Talent and Learning Solutions at LinkedIn, said in a statement.

“We saw this especially in the pandemic (2020 and 2021) years, when women took shelter from the shrinking job market by starting their own businesses, creating opportunities for other women as well,” Anand said.

However, the new data also shows that progress is being made. More women are being hired in leadership roles than eight years ago, shooting up 24 percent this year – 1.36 times from 2015. However, more needs to be done.

“As employers navigate this challenge of making ‘work’ work for women, they must remember that internal mobility, proper hiring practices with a focus on skills, and flexibility not only make the playing field for women leveling but improving efficiency through balanced representation, diversity of perspectives and inclusive leadership at the workplace.” Read also: Woman proudly associates ‘sex work’ as experience in LinkedIn profile, netizens applaud

In addition, to support women entrepreneurs and women in the workforce, LinkedIn has also unlocked some of its courses for free until August 22. These include gender in conversation; Reaching Yes: Advice for Female Founders How to Find Money; Leadership Strategies for Women; and success strategies for women in the workplace.