India’s goal

Outwardly Indian nationalism may seem like nothing more than a demand for change in the form of government, or at best, the features of an independent existence, but is, ultimately, a secondary part of India’s purpose. His philosophy of nationalism includes a dual goal, first to protect his own civilization and second to fulfill his mission in the world. It was this high ideal that inspired Indian nationalism at the time of its birth; It is this ideal that sustains the movement in its latest phase, coupled with the depth of religious faith. India does not want to be swayed by Westernism, which is almost synonymous with plutocracy in its economic side and, in the philosophical aspect, a quick march towards materialism. This spirit of the West – which must be contrasted with the laudable results of its science and art – had been stealing over India over the years, and Indian nationalism, no longer dormant, seeks to guard against its invasion.