India’s rise will not stop, will become third largest economy by end of decade: Dhankhar

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar. file | Photo Credit: ANI

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday said India is a rising star in the global economy mainly because of agriculture and agro-based industry, and asserted that the country’s rise is “unstoppable”.

Addressing the 61st convocation of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Mr Dhankhar said: “In September 2022, India becomes the 5th largest economy in the world. It has not come easily. It has been a Caesarean.” Indeed, it is a milestone achievement and the agriculture sector was instrumental in India’s global rise, he said.

Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. It is mainly because of agriculture and agro-based industry that India is a rising star in the global economy, he said.

Mr. Dhankhar further said, the India that everyone is seeing today is amazing. “India’s rise is unabated… We are the most preferred destination of opportunity and investment,” he said.

He said that such an ecosystem has been developed that there are positive policies to attract talent and investment.

“By the end of the decade, India will be the third largest economy in the world,” he said and urged young Indians to lay the foundation for 2047 when India enters the centenary year of its independence.

Saying that value addition to agri-produce can bring about an economic revolution, the Vice President said that IARI has the capability and intelligence to add value to agri-produce.

He also asked the institute to bring a new dimension in agri-education, which should become a hub of entrepreneurship, which should result in research and innovation.

Shri Dhankhar also expressed confidence that IARI will continue to serve the nation with innovations, quality human resource and technological optimization in the agriculture sector.

Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of State for Agriculture Kailash Chaudhary, ICAR Director General Himanshu Pathak and other officials were present on the occasion.

AK Singh, Director, IARI said that IARI – the seat of India’s Green Revolution – plays a vital role in the livelihood security of billions of people in the country.

It is a matter of great pride that despite the global crisis posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, IARI has excelled in its endeavor towards excellence in research to enhance farmers’ income through improvements in crop varieties and technologies.

He said that science-based innovation in agricultural research, education and extension is the primary motto of IARI to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

“We pledge our commitment towards a prosperous India through the development of technologies to promote eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture,” he said.

Around 402 students, including 14 foreign students, received degrees on successful completion of their Masters and Doctoral programmes.