Industrialist Harsh Goenka shares funny appeal to save employee’s wife’s marriage

Harsh Goenka shared a desperate plea from the wife of one of his employees. (file)

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies around the world to migrate to the work-from-home model, to varying degrees of success. However, has everyone been able to adjust to this new norm? Well, according to a letter shared by business tycoon Harsh Goenka, the wife of one of his employees is totally disappointed with working remotely and has sought the business tycoon’s support so that he can get his “sanctity” back. The chairman of RPG Enterprises shared on Twitter the desperate plea of ​​”your employee Manoj’s wife” in a jovial manner to the users. The note apparently shocked Mr Goenka, who wrote: “Don’t know how to react to him”.

In her “Humble Appeal”, the woman mentions, “If work from home continues for some more time, our marriage will certainly not work anymore”.

She states that her husband “drinks coffee ten times a day”. The employee, working from home, switches between different rooms and “leaves them all in a mess”. In addition, he “constantly asks for food”. And if the list of complaints wasn’t long enough, she adds, “I’ve even seen her sleep during work calls”. Ouch.

The last lines of the shocking note read, “I already have two kids to look after. Seeking your support to get my conscience back”.

Check out Mr. Goenka’s tweet here:

This tweet has created a lot of discussion among the users. Shreyasi Goenka, Founder, Earth-A Culture Fest wrote, “Good. Is this legit?!” At that, Mr. Goenka simply dropped a wink emoji.

A user named Chitrak Shah argued that the man’s “cost of living would also have gone up” and that “family tensions” would have reached their peak.

Another user, Arup Dutta, came up with a smart idea: “I think a better idea for you would be to provide the woman with a “work from office” position and let the boy stay at home to handle the kids. .It can just work wonders!”

Another user, Priya Malebennoor, critically called it an “extremely sad situation”. She pointed to the man’s “non-contribution” in household chores, saying, “And to magnify it as funny and to appreciate men’s non-contribution in household chores is disgusting. We really need to better our men.” needs to be raised”.

Ridhima Bhargava, a chartered accountant, responded to Mr Goenka’s post saying “this is a true picture for many households”.

The note was originally written by Anisha Tandon on an online publishing platform. This has been shared by a user named Aakriti Agarwal while replying to Mr. Goenka’s tweet.

Mr Goenka’s tweet, however, has sparked a debate in many households over the burden of work from home.

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