Influenza requires symptomatic treatment rather than antibiotics and prolonged cough syrup.

Influenza, or the flu, is a viral illness that usually lasts 1-2 weeks. Antibiotics are not effective against the flu, as it is a viral infection. Instead, symptomatic treatment including rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain relievers is recommended. Cough syrups should be used with caution, and antiviral medications may be prescribed by a health care professional to help reduce the duration and severity of illness. Using antibiotics or cough syrups for long periods of time to treat the flu is not recommended, and can lead to antibiotic resistance and other health problems.

Influenza is a viral infection that affects millions of people every year, causing a range of symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat and body aches. Despite being a viral disease, many people still resort to antibiotics and cough syrups for a long time to treat their symptoms. However, experts suggest that symptomatic treatment is the best way to manage influenza.

Dr Vasunethra Kasaragod, Consultant, Pulmonology, Manipal Hospital Miller Road, says, “Influenza, also known as common flu, has been reported increasingly recently, especially during the months of February and March Its symptoms usually include fever, body aches, sore throat, cough with white sputum, and runny nose. Although a small number of patients may have more severe symptoms such as breathlessness and wheezing, most cases are treated with symptomatic treatment. Can be managed through medication, such as the use of paracetamol, antihistamines and proper hydration.

However, some patients may require hospitalization due to a drop in oxygen saturation. “Overall, early recognition of symptoms and appropriate management are key to preventing complications associated with influenza. Unfortunately, patients take unnecessary antibiotics that are only indicated when there is a secondary bacterial infection and that are rare in the common flu.” . The patient will respond well to anti virals rather than those given at the right time,” says Dr. Kasaragod. Some patients after viral bronchitis have a prolonged cough, for which they take cough syrups or cough drops for a long time This again is not indicated and inhaled bronchodilators are preferred.

“Antibiotics may not be effective against viral infections, including flu. Using antibiotics unnecessarily can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is a serious threat to public health. Use can have adverse effects on the body, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired coordination. Therefore, it is important to choose a symptomatic treatment that targets specific symptoms of the flu.”

Symptomatic treatment involves the use of medication that addresses the specific symptoms of the flu. For example, acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used to reduce fever and relieve body aches. Decongestants and nasal sprays can help reduce congestion and runny nose. Additionally, staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest can also help the body fight off the infection.

“One of the reasons people may turn to antibiotics and cough syrups to treat the flu is because they may not be aware of the symptomatic treatments available. As physicians, it is our responsibility to help patients Educate them about the best way to treat their flu symptoms. By doing so, we can help prevent the unnecessary use of antibiotics and prolonged cough syrups, which can have negative consequences for both individual and public health There are,” says Dr. Harikishan.

Influenza is a highly contagious virus that can spread easily from person to person. In such a situation, it is very important to take steps to prevent the spread of infection. It emphasizes maintaining proper hygiene, such as washing your hands often and covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing. Additionally, staying home when sick can help prevent spreading the virus to others.

Read also: Importance of Gargling for Sore Throat and Other Respiratory Ailments

Symptomatic treatment is the best way to manage the symptoms of influenza. “Antibiotics and cough syrups have not been effective in treating the virus for a long time and can have negative consequences for individual and public health. As physicians, we must educate our patients about the benefits of symptomatic treatment and the importance of preventing the spread of the virus through good hygiene practices. By doing so, we can help ensure that patients receive the best possible care for their flu symptoms while simultaneously promoting public health.”

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