Infosys committed to providing 1600 jobs, training to historically black colleges and university community

Infosys announced a three-year investment benefiting the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), the largest US organization that exclusively represents the Historically Black College and University Community (HBCU). As part of its commitment, Infosys will serve as an HBCU Graduate Pipeline partner, creating an opportunity for at least 1600 graduate students to interview and accept jobs within Infosys.

Additionally, in line with its mission to advance access to computer science education for K12 teachers, the Infosys Foundation USA to invest in a future pipeline of Black STEM teachers is part of TMCF’s Teacher Quality and Retention Program (TQRP) 10- The Day Summer will serve as the institute’s STEM sponsor. ,

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“Creating a culture of equality does not begin and end with any one person, one government, or one business – it takes a nexus of will to make our progress sustainable. Partnering with TMCF is done by their organization. This is a great opportunity to highlight the work that Infosys is doing to develop a culture to transform young Americans into the STEM leaders of the future. Infosys believes in bringing the right people into the right roles, as well as the upward mobility To be sure, we can’t rely on past approaches. Through this partnership, Infosys reiterates its commitment to providing equal opportunities for all and strives for a workforce that matches the cultural makeup of America. be similar said Ravi Kumar, President, Infosys.

Eventually students will get an opportunity to interview for roles in Infosys. Infosys will also support on-campus informational sessions to maximize the reach of the program with the ultimate goal of transferring over 1,600 students through the career programme.

Dr. Harry L. Williams, President and CEO of Thurgood Marshall College Fund, said, “It is time for today’s technology leaders to champion the talents of HBCU graduates. We believe HBCUs have the power and power to create a more equitable society. People are, that’s why we work so diligently to ensure their sustainability and strengthen their ability to continue to produce top talent who are ready to change the face of leadership in business and beyond.”

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“We are thrilled to launch this new initiative with TQRP at a time when our country needs dynamic and diverse teachers. The statistics are clear that K12 students have higher rates of academic performance when they have teachers in the classroom that reflect their background. The TQRP Summer Institute is an exceptional program that reflects the Foundation’s values ​​for promoting K12 computer science education in underrepresented communities. Kate Maloney, Executive Director, Infosys Foundation USA says, “We look forward to a massive impact from this new partnership.

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