Instagram will soon ask you to take a break if you use the app for a long time

Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms these days.

Instagram has reportedly worked with some third-party experts to test out the new “Take a Break” feature, which will be rolled out to a small number of users in the coming days.

  • Last Update:November 12, 2021, 09:35 IST
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Facebook (now Meta)-owned photo sharing platform instagram Is working on a new feature that helps users to take a quick break from Instagram. Instagram is calling this feature “Take a Break”, where one can take a step away from the social media platform after spending a certain amount of time on the platform. This feature has been announced to curb addiction from the platform. At a time when many reports have pointed to the fact that Facebook (Now meta) Apps are addictive for the users.

This feature will not be enabled by default and users will have to turn it on to receive in-app reminders to take a break from the Instagram app after continuous usage for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. The feature was announced by the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, who also posted a short video on Twitter, explaining the new feature and saying that the feature is being developed with extensive effort to help people use Instagram. To have more control over your experience. Mosseri said that Instagram users may soon see similar features on the platform.

Instagram is reportedly working with some third-party experts to test the new “Take a Break” feature, which will be rolled out to a small number of users in the coming days. If the test goes smoothly, Instagram will be rolling out the feature to everyone. users in the coming months.

Instagram was recently reported to bring a subscription service to the platform. While not much is known about subscriptions, a new “Instagram subscriptions” category was recently found in the “In-App Purchases” section of Instagram’s App Store listing.

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