Instagram will soon let you repost other friend’s posts and reels: all the details

Last Update: 12 September 2022, 16:46 IST

Repost feature coming to other options

The popular app is now testing the feature with a select group of users and will soon bring it to Android and iOS users.

Instagram users will soon get the option to repost other people’s posts and reels. The platform has reportedly confirmed that it has started testing the feature, which should be available to all users soon. The tests are taking place with a small group of users. Instagram says this feature will work the same way you repost other people’s stories right now.

A tipster has already seen this feature in testing and has given more details about this new option for Instagram users. He mentioned that the repost feature will be available next to the tag option on the profile section of an Instagram user.

We’re not sure why the platform feels the need to add this option, but its attention has been very scattered and confusing lately. Adam Mosseri has already confirmed that Instagram will be gradually moving away from the photo-to-video platform, with users having 9:16 photos to post instead of the standard 16:9 format.

Instagram is expected to bring the new repost feature to mobile users on the Android and iOS Instagram apps in the coming months after the platform and its developers complete testing.

The app is already seeing design changes, but you’ll still find it difficult to get used to the foldable form factor, something Instagram needs to work on, especially with several foldable devices launching in the near future .

Instagram owns TikTok, and Reels is touted as the go-to platform where the Meta-owned app seeks to grow its business. It is also ready to consider e-commerce as a source to earn income through various content creators.

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