Interesting facts about eyebrows and why they matter

One of the most expressive features of the human face, eyebrows have two main purposes – to keep moisture away from our eyes and to communicate. From waxing to plucking and threading to filling in, the time it takes to maintain our eyebrows speaks volumes about its importance. It might be interesting to know that one of the most interesting highlights of the famous Mona Lisa painting are her faint eyebrows. In addition to enhancing a person’s facial features, eyebrows have many functions to perform. So let’s know about some interesting facts related to eyebrows without delay.

protect eyes

Eyebrows are not only to enhance the style, but also to protect our eyes from certain environmental factors. In addition to protecting our eyes and keeping moisture out, our brows wick away sweat and dirt so they don’t cloud our vision.

show feelings

Eyebrows can reflect emotions even when we don’t want to express them. Considered one of the body languages, eyebrows convey our feelings nonverbally.

eyebrows also turn gray

Rarely are we told that just like our hair, our eyebrows also tend to turn white with age. However, eyebrows take time to turn gray compared to our hair. If you are facing this, then you must increase your vitamin E intake.

a distinctive look

Eyebrows play an important role in defining the look of a person. Studies have shown that it is difficult for people to identify another person when shown without eyebrows. Every aspect of the eyebrows, i.e. shape, thickness and color can greatly affect how we look to others.

The history behind raising eyebrows

The practice of raising eyebrows dates back to ancient Egypt when people used carbon and black oxide to darken, reduce and lengthen their brows. In ancient Greece and Rome, the unibrow was considered the most beautiful attribute.

On average, there are 250 hairs on a person’s eyebrows. The length, thickness and direction of these hairs vary.

eyebrows fall regularly

Like hair, a person can lose an average of 10 eyebrows every day. And it’s quite common. The reason behind them can be anything from hormonal changes, skin conditions and nutritional deficiencies.

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