International Beer Day 2022: Five drinking holidays around the world this year

International Beer Day 2022: The first Friday of August is celebrated every year as International Beer Day. This year, this day falls on 5th August. Celebrated in different parts of the world, the day traces its roots to the local bars and pubs in the United States. The foundation for International Beer Day was laid in 2007 in Santa Cruz by Jesse Avshalomov. Since then, every first Friday of August has been marked and celebrated as International Beer Day. The main purpose of this day is to gather their friends and family and celebrate the bartenders by making, serving and drinking beer.

On this occasion, we have put together a list of five drinking holidays, like this one, which are celebrated around the world.

  1. St. Patrick’s Day
    St Patrick’s Day is celebrated every year on 17 March. It is a cultural and religious occasion commemorating the works of St Patrick of Ireland. On this day green is the dominant shade which is visible almost everywhere. In addition, the day cannot be celebrated without the participation of drinks, especially beer.
  2. National Beer Day
    National Beer Day, celebrated on April 7, in the same way we celebrate Friday, marks the day alcoholic beverages became legally accessible to the American population. A famous quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt is used quite widely to this day. In 1933, on this day the US President after signing the Beer Permit Act was quoted as saying, “I think it will be a good time for beer.”
  3. Cinco de Mayo
    Originating from Mexico, Cinco de Mayo has become a widely celebrated festival in the United States as well. Massive parades, colorful costumes, fun in the air, and of course, drinks are what make the Cinco de Mayo festival special. This festival is celebrated on 5th May.
  4. world bartender day
    Wouldn’t it be unfair not to have a day for a profession so deeply involved with beer and other favorite alcoholic beverages? The credit for the advent of this day goes to Jerry Thomas, who is known in the hospitality fraternity as the father of bartending. This day is celebrated all over the world on 24 February
  5. Mardi Gras
    Mardi Gras is one of the most prestigious celebrations and is marked in cities like Rio de Janeiro and New Orleans. In 2022, the festival falls on March 1, but the festivities begin months before D-Day.

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