International Tea Day 2022: Best Teas to Improve Immunity (Suggestions of Experts)

Tea is probably one of the most popular everyday beverages after water. Many of us cannot start our day without it and need it several times throughout the day to keep it going. May 21, every year is dedicated to celebrating this essential drink. International Tea Day was conceptualized on December 21, 2019, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization leads and observes the day. The objective of this event is to spread awareness about the importance of tea in our lives and take steps to sustain its production.

The recent times have inspired all of us to be more conscious about our health, focusing on building our immunity. So, on this International Tea Day, we bring you information about a specific type of tea, which is known to be a great propeller of the immune system.

Recently, the Tea Council of USA organized this 6th International Symposium on Tea and Human HealthAnd highlighted the benefits of consuming green tea to boost immunity.

The symposium was led by Deong Wu, MD, PhD, associate director of the Nutritional Immunology Laboratory at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging and associate director of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. “Green tea can help boost your immune system and increase your body’s resistance to diseases, along with many other health benefits,” explains Deong Wu.

(Also read: 5 Green Tea Alternatives to Add to Your Healthy Diet,

The following benefits of green tea are highlighted:

1.Green tea contains catechins/polyphenols that fight infection with pathogens (disease-causing organisms) and maintain immune homeostasis.

2. Green tea may help prevent and reduce T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.

3. green tea Fights pathogens and reduces their effects, and also helps in the immune response of the host.

4. It may reduce autoimmune disorders by promoting self-tolerance, suppressing autoantigen-induced inflammatory attacks and enhancing tissue repair.

5. Studies have also shown that green tea can help in combating respiratory diseases like influenza by producing antibodies in the body.

(Also read: 7 Amazing Benefits of Green Tea: What Makes It So Healthy,

Dayong Wu concluded by saying that more research is needed to confirm the above findings.