International Women’s Day 2022: Essential fitness and diet tips for women in their 40s

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Health and diet are important aspects of a healthy mind and body.


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  • Protein, antioxidants, iron, calcium and omega-3s are essential and should be part of your nutrition.

Turning 40 is a big milestone for us. This is the halfway point off most life expectancy charts. It stresses the need to take better care of oneself, both mentally and physically, be it exercise or focusing on proper nutrition.

On International Women’s Day 2022, we reached out to Radhika Karle, nutritionist and Pilates trainer at Radhika’s Balanced Body, to shed light on the fitness, food and lifestyle habits women in their 40s need to live a better and more balanced life. is required to be included. Her tips on nutrition and food intake will help you shape your fitness journey.

How can women in their 40s start their fitness journey?

To make sure you stick to your routine, there are 3 key points to start your fitness journey:

1. Choose an exercise routine that you enjoy, such as dancing. Join a Zumba class. Enjoy some high intensity. Do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). If you want something with controlled mind-motion, start Pilates.

2. Work with an experienced fitness professional who will create a personalized program for you that will help you achieve your goals in a safe and effective way.

3. Set realistic goals. There should be short-term goals that you should achieve in 4-6 weeks and long-term goals that you should achieve in 6-9 months of the program.

What type of fitness regime is best suited for women over 40?

Women over the age of 40 need to focus on both strength training to keep bone density optimal and cardio to keep the body’s most important muscle, the heart healthy.

How can working professionals (women) over the age of 40 take care of their mental and physical health?

Mindful movements like Pilates and yoga are the best way to stay fit mentally and physically. Pilates is a form of movement that requires a lot of focus and concentration and works on strengthening the entire body. Mat Pilates can be done by everyone anywhere and is an ideal way to work on mental and physical wellness.

What are diet tips for women in their 40s?

1. Make sure each meal and snack has some protein – lean meats such as fish and chicken, eggs, nuts, beans and lentils.

2. Add plenty of fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits that provide antioxidants to help keep skin, hair and nails healthy.
3. Keep calcium intake optimal to keep bones healthy – Leafy green vegetables, chia seeds, dried figs and beans are top sources.
4. To maintain a healthy heart, one must include omega-3 food sources and supplements. Mackerel, sardines, flaxseed and seaweed are excellent food sources.
5. Iron levels must be maintained to keep energy levels up. Dried fruits, baked potatoes, beans and red meat are foods that should be included in a meal plan.