Internet users, here are five tips to stay safe online – Times of India

Internet Now connects each of us on levels that were in the realm of old science fiction stories that unfolded before the age of the modern computer. According to a report by Statistica, India is the second largest online The market in the world (behind China) with over 560 million Internet users in 2021, a number that is expected to grow to 650 million by 2023. Internet accessibility has also seen a boom over the past few years, with internet penetration rates approaching 50% in 2020, the report adds. And as more users connect on the web through online platforms and social media, the risks to their privacy and security have also increased.
According to a report by cyber security solutions provider Check Point Software Technologies Ltd, speaking about the threats that the internet is rife with, global cyber attacks saw a 32% increase in Q2 2022 as compared to Q2 2021. According to the report, the most common threats are an individual online malware and phishing-based attacks. So, here are five tips stay safe onlineAs per Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
Make sure the website you are visiting is secure
There are plenty of websites out there that are either poorly configured, putting shared information at risk, or are malicious in nature. Keeping this in mind, you should always check whether the website you are visiting is secure or not. Check to see if the website follows the https security protocol. If the URL includes a “-s” at the end, it means that it is a secure website and complies with security standards. You can also check for the green padlock at the beginning of the link, which represents a secure connection.
Keep updating your device software and applications
Ignoring updates to software and applications gives hackers a chance to exploit any vulnerability of the older version and thus compromise your system. So, keep installing updates as they come out.
Do not use the same username and password for different online services
You should use different usernames and passwords for your different online accounts. It goes without saying that these have to be complex enough to be considered unimaginable.
Download application form only from official online shops
It may be dangerous for you not to download or update apps through official online stores like Google Play Store, Apple App Store, etc. online security, Sometimes hackers send Trojans through updates on third party websites. You should also read the various terms of use, the cyber security firm said, as some of them can be abusive, and in many cases you can lose control over your data and information.
Protect your devices with security software
You should invest in paid versions of antivirus, anti-malware and other security software from reputed firms to keep your devices secure and prevent theft of any sensitive data.

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