interpreter; What are the big things in US $40 billion Ukraine aid package – Times of India

WASHINGTON: The US Senate on Thursday passed a bill that would provide nearly $40 billion in additional military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine after Russia’s invasion. Biden The administration predicts a prolonged conflict.
The war has reduced cities to rubble, forced millions from their homes and killed an estimated 3,500 civilians, according to the UN human rights body. Russia has little to show for it beyond a strip of territory in southern Ukraine and modest gains in the country’s eastern.
The United States has sent $3.9 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine, including howitzers, anti-aircraft Stinger systems, anti-tank spear missiles, ammunition and armed drones, since Russia’s invasion of Russia on February 24.
Following are some of the key elements in the funding package:
humanitarian aid
The legislation covers more than $4 billion in international disaster aid, including the provision of emergency food and shelter, to respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine and other affected countries.
The legislation also includes $350 million in migration and refugee assistance for the US State Department to help refugees from Ukraine and support other countries in Eastern Europe.
The number of people fleeing Ukraine to escape Russia’s invasion has exceeded 6 million, the UN refugee agency said on Thursday, in Europe’s worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II.
Most have crossed the EU through border points in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, where volunteers and governments have scrambled to help them find housing and provide aid.
financial aid fund
The package includes about $9 billion to fund economic aid for Ukraine and other countries affected by the conflict, including programs to combat human trafficking and money that could be used to respond to food insecurity.
According to the bill, the money can be used to provide direct financial assistance to the government of Ukraine, although the cash transfer will be subject to a memorandum of understanding and certain safeguards and oversight.
Global Network Against the Food Crisis, founded by United Nations And the European Union said in its annual report this month that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – both countries are major food producers – poses serious risks to global food security, particularly in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, South Sudan, In vulnerable countries, including Syria and . Yemen
security support
The package includes approximately $15 billion for defense operations and maintenance, including $6 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and $8.7 billion to replenish stocks of US equipment shipped to Ukraine.
The law covers millions of dollars for the purchase of missiles, weapons and tracked combat vehicles, ammunition and aircraft.
It provides $4 billion in foreign military funding and $100 million for non-proliferation, counter-terrorism, demining and related programs to provide aid for Ukraine and other countries affected by the crisis.
Presidential Drawing Authority
The law entitles up to a further $11 billion in presidential drawdown authority, which allows the president to authorize the transfer of articles and services from U.S. stocks without the approval of Congress in response to an emergency.
The law authorizes approximately $200 million for the US State Department’s diplomatic programs to respond to the situation in Ukraine and countries affected by the conflict.
It authorizes $110 million for the security, construction and maintenance of the embassy.