iPhone users, Diwali photography tips for you – Times of India

Diwali – the festival of lights has arrived. From cities and towns adorned with colorful lights to our homes adorned with rangolis and decorative items, Canvas is ready to click some of the best pictures. Smartphone photography has come a long way in the last few years and mobiles now offer one of the easiest cameras to click good images. Here are some tips that come in handy for clicking better pictures this Diwali
There’s a lot of contrast in the frame
Diwali pictures will be clicked most of the night. When using Night Mode, use black and dark to your advantage. Make sure the frame has plenty of contrast to make the subject stand out even more.
Night mode is the best option
Use Night Mode for great low-light photos. Make sure the subject isn’t moving around too much and don’t hesitate to use portrait even when the frame gets enough color in very low light.
steady your phone
For clicking low light photos, it is important to get the maximum sharpness from your iPhone. Keep your phone steady. If you don’t have a tripod for your device, look for places to put your camera or where you can support your hands to minimize shaking.
find the right angle
Look for lighting angles that make the photograph bright and radiant. You can also try different angles to get the best shot.
play with exposure
When shooting in low light, there may be parts of your image that are not getting enough light. Due to the lack of light in photos, they can appear grainy. Be sure to see where the lighting is good. Manually controlling the exposure helps keep photographs crisp and sharp when shooting in low light conditions.
Avoid zoom for low light photos
Also, do not zoom while clicking photos in low light as it can distort the pixels.
Cinematic Mode on iPhone 13 Series
Buyers of the 2021 Apple series can use Cinematic Mode to add a dramatic tone to their photos. Shooting videos in the new Cinematic Mode can give an even better looking video of the celebration at home.


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