Iran: Iran shuts down 2 cameras of UN nuclear watchdog: Report – Times of India

Tehran: Iran switched off the two surveillance cameras of United NationsThe nuclear watchdog that monitored one of its nuclear sites, state television reported on Wednesday.
The report did not identify the site.
It comes as Western nations seek to condemn Iran at a meeting this week International Atomic Energy Agency,
based in Vienna IAEA Iran’s move was not immediately accepted. The agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Associated Press.
Iran and world powers agreed to a nuclear deal in 2015, with Tehran substantially limiting its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. President in 2018 Donald Trump The United States unilaterally withdrew from the agreement, raising tensions in the wider Middle East and sparking a series of attacks and incidents.
Since that time, Iran has breached every limit imposed by the deal and now enriches uranium to 60% purity – a small, technical step up from the weapons-grade level of 90%. However, the IAEA was allowed to continue visiting the sites.
The IAEA has been capturing footage from surveillance cameras since February 2021 as a pressure tactic to restore the Iran nuclear deal.
Negotiations between Iran and the West to restart the deal broke down in March.