Iran says nuclear deal still possible despite setback to Qatar talks – Henry Club

LONDON: Three former British cabinet ministers have warned that the Iran nuclear deal will destabilize the Middle East, in a cautionary shot at government support for the deal.

Former Defense Secretary Liam Fox, former Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick, and former Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb are all backing a motion for debate in Parliament that lists a string of proposed changes to the draft, which they say Will disrupt Tehran’s campaign for nuclear weapons.

Changes include the introduction of a stricter monitoring regime of Iranian nuclear activity and a tougher approach to controlling Iran’s “destabilization” activities.

The resolution to be debated today said: “This House expresses serious concern at the imminent prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran; calls upon the Government to engage in ongoing negotiations regarding a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” To expand its scope to include the regime, maintaining terrorist sanctions and other destabilizing activities of Iran in the region.”

Tory lawmakers and supporters of opposition Labor and Liberal Democrats are concerned with the current resale deal, which is under negotiation, and are looking to replace the 2015 deal that the US withdrew under former President Donald Trump. was.

The original Iran nuclear deal, called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was signed with the UK, US, China, France, Germany, Russia and the European Union and Tehran halted its nuclear development. agree with. Removal of economic sanctions.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Jenrick said: “The JCPOA was an inadequate response to Iran’s nuclear program in 2015. Why would we back down from the deal when it has single-handedly failed to reduce Iran’s uranium enrichment?

“At this critical juncture, the West urgently needs to change its strategy. Weakly tolerating Iran’s aggression and open violations, fearing a breakdown in negotiations, has led us down a dangerous path. This more robust approach to Iran But it is time to reimpose sanctions and tighten the economic screw until Iran is ready to face serious proposals.

He added: “The UK must follow in the footsteps of the US and designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation.”