Iran sends rocket into space amid faltering nuclear talks

Tehran Iran launched a rocket into space in what officials said Thursday are three research tools, drawing attention to Tehran’s missile ambitions while international talks on its nuclear program falter.

The rocket, named Simorgh, is designed to carry satellites; It was flown at a distance of about 290 miles, which a spokesman for the Iranian Defense Ministry told state television, a record for a rocket of this type. The ministry did not say when the launch took place or whether it was successful in putting the instruments into orbit. It did not provide any details about the equipment.

Iran has previously tested Simorg rockets at least five times. Most of the tests failed.

Satellite carrier rockets are not part of Iran’s ballistic-missile program, but US intelligence officials have said that many components of rockets such as the Simorg could be repurposed for long-range ballistic missiles. Iran says its rocket tests are for civilian purposes and not linked to its military ambitions.

The announcement came after 16 short- to medium-range ballistic missiles were tested last week during a military exercise in southern Iran.

It also comes as Iranian and Western diplomats are embroiled in difficult talks over Iran’s nuclear program in Vienna. The interlocutors are expected to meet again on Monday after celebrating the New Year.

The US abandoned the deal in 2018 and imposed tough economic sanctions that have hurt Iran’s economy. In response, Tehran has violated most of the key principles of the agreement, reducing the time it takes to produce enough nuclear fuel for a weapon to a month. This has increased uranium enrichment to 60% from the 3.67% level allowed under the agreement, a small technological step up from 90% weapons grade, and less accessible to international nuclear inspectors.

Vienna talks aimed at finding a way for Iran to comply with the deal in exchange for sanctions relief have made little progress since it resumed in November.

Diplomats have repeatedly warned that as Iran makes progress on its nuclear enrichment, time is running out to restore the deal that would require Tehran to build the bomb, which was central to the original deal. will be the target. Iran says it does not want nuclear weapons.

Diplomats now doubt a deal can be struck within a time frame of a few weeks set by Washington and the Europeans.

The 2015 nuclear deal does not address Iran’s conventional missile program, which was one of the main reasons former President Donald Trump pulled the US out of it. President Biden has said he intends to re-enter the deal as the basis for a wider dialogue about Iran’s conventional missile program, which Iran has rejected.

The US wants to stop Iran from developing ballistic missiles, which pose a major threat to its regional allies and could be used to carry nuclear weapons.

However, international nonproliferation experts say Iran has made more worrying progress on a variety of rockets, including solid-fuel-powered motors, a key component in intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Simorg is powered by liquid fuel.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps launched its first military satellite into space in 2020 using a rocket, which Washington said could help advance its ballistic-missile program because the technology in the two types of launch was similar .

Earlier this year, Iran tested a new rocket, named Zuljanah, which was developed to send civilian satellites into orbit 310 miles above the ground, but whose technology could be easily deployed by guards. Iran’s military-missile program could be transferred.

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