Iraq: Iraq receives 1.2 million doses of Pfizer COVID vaccine – Times of India

Baghdad: Iraq India on Saturday said it has received 1.2 million doses of Pfizer-BioNtech’s COVID-19 vaccine through the Covax sharing scheme, amid fears of a fourth wave in the country.
Based on government data, nearly seven million Iraqis have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, which is 17.5 percent of the country’s 40 million population.
Plagued by years of conflict, corruption and neglect, Iraq’s health system has struggled to cope with the pandemic.
The health ministry on Saturday announced the arrival of a shipment of more than 1.2 million doses of “Pfizer’s anti-Covid vaccine” through the Covax program. UNICEF“, United Nations Children’s Fund.
“Iraq still faces the threat from the coronavirus pandemic,” ministry spokesman Saif al-Badr said on Thursday.
“We expect to enter the fourth wave,[and]it may be a new version,” he told state television.
According to official figures, more than two million Iraqis have been infected with Covid and 23,628 people have died since the outbreak of the pandemic in Iraq.
Despite the increase in the number of people, Iraq’s government has been unable to dispel general doubts about vaccines and measures aimed at stopping the spread of the virus.
There is a huge public distrust of institutions in Iraq amid the spread of misinformation about the pandemic.
Covax was founded specifically to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines in low-income countries, and has already distributed more than 80 million doses in 129 regions.
